Weaving Communities of Practice | Textile processes | Glossary | tejido llano fino (faz de trama)
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tejido llano fino (faz de trama)

Fine plain cloth made ​​from loom with weft faced weave in an open plain tapestry type. In the Inka and colonial periods vertical looms were used, in which the weave was pulled back by stone weights. Often results in textiles with remarkable designs, both in the quality of execution and colour pattern.

Tejido llano fino elaborado con telar, de faz de trama, de tipo tapiz llano abierto. En el período incaico y colonial se lo solía tejer con telares verticales en que la urdimbre se tesaba con pesas de piedra. A menudo cuenta con diseños textiles resaltantes en su calidad de ejecución y su patrón de color.


  • fine plain open tapestry weave, weft interlacing weave, open plain tapestry weave