Weaving Communities of Practice | Textile processes | Glossary | técnica de reescogido por cantidad con conteo por impar derivado, 2|1, con 1 trama
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técnica de reescogido por cantidad con conteo por impar derivado, 2|1, con 1 trama

Rectilinear warp faced technique with reselection of warp threads by quantity where these threads have a derived odd count 2|1, forming the base for reselection by quantity, with the use of a single weft.

Técnica en faz de urdimbre rectilínea de reescogido de los hilos de urdimbre por cantidad, en que el conteo de estos hilos por unidad derivada, 2|1, conforma la base para el reescogido por cantidad, con el uso de una sola trama.


  • reselected technique in quantity, with a derived odd count, 2|1, and with 1 weft; reselected technique in groups, with a derived odd count, 2|1, and with 1 weft; technique with supplementary threads in quantity, with a derived odd count, 2|1, and with 1 weft; technique with supplementary threads in groups, with a derived odd count, 2|1, and with 1 weft; technique with supplementary threads in groups, with a pick-up count, 2|1, and with 1 weft